Why the
Mediterranean Diet

The Evidence is Clear.

Years of research has shown that people in the Mediterranean region lived longer and healthier lives. Further studies have now linked the Mediterranean diet to numerous health benefits including maintaining a healthy weight and decreasing risk of diabetes, heart disease, cancer and death. Click each icon for more information.

What is Unique About the Mediterranean Diet?

In contrast to other diets, the Mediterranean diet does not specifically control for calories, and it allows for a relatively high intake of healthy fats (mainly olive oil) and a moderate intake of red wine during meals (up to one serving per day for women and two servings per day for men).[1] Although a high fat diet may sound “unhealthy,” the Mediterranean diet consists mainly of unsaturated fat (known as a “good” fat) from plant sources, and it discourages intake of saturated fat.  

Further studies are still needed, but it appears that the overall dietary pattern of the Mediterranean diet – not just the amount of calories and fat – is most important for lowering the risk of disease and death.[2]


Simply put: Everyone. The Mediterranean diet has been shown to have health benefits for people of all ages. Whether you are in good health, overweight, obese, or have diseases such as diabetes, the Mediterranean diet may help increase your life expectancy and lower your risk of heart attack, stroke, dementia and certain forms of cancers.

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How can I follow the mediterranean diet?

The Mediterranean diet is most accurately defined as the traditional dietary patterns and lifestyle in the 1960s of people in parts of Greece and southern Italy, near the Mediterranean Sea. The traditional Mediterranean diet consists of eating plenty of olive oil, vegetables, fruits, nuts and legumes (such as beans and lentils), as well as moderate consumption of fish. You’ll find the right amounts of each of these foods in every Pangea Nutrition meal plan.

Use More Olive Oil

Use olive oil generously in your meals, and try to minimize your intake of butter and margarine.

Eat Plenty of Vegetables

Try eating two servings of vegetables each day to get key nutrients and fiber that your body needs. Instead of snacking a bag of chips, grab some carrots and hummus!

Eat Nuts each week

Grab a handful of walnuts, almonds or hazelnuts for a quick snack, or add them to a salad or meal.

  • Eat Seafood and Poultry

    Choose seafood (twice per week) and poultry (like chicken and turkey), instead of red meats like hamburgers and steaks.

  • Eat More Fresh Fruits

    Instead of reaching for sugary snacks, try satisfying your sweet tooth with fresh fruits or a fruit smoothie.

  • Eat Low Fat Dairy Products

    Eat low fat daily products such as natural cheeses or Greek yogurt.

  • Eat a Balanced Breakfast

    Eating breakfast can help you feel great all day. Aim for a healthy balance of protein, carbohydrates, fiber and vitamins.

Mediterranean Diet Delivered

Relax. We’ve done the shopping for you.

3 lunches and 3 dinners for two people – for less than you’re spending on takeout.

Schedule convenient grocery delivery.

Cook for just 30-40 minutes, three nights per week. Enjoy.

That’s all it takes to get started following the Mediterranean diet as recommended by scientists, doctors and healthcare professionals around the world.

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